There are 29 results for 2022
Clear filtersHearing from people in the region with lived experience of stroke as well as from SSOs.
Narada Amarasinghe from Sri Lanka shares his stroke experience and urges everyone to learn the signs and save #Precioustime
The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados provides vital community stroke rehabilitation.
Sharing experience of peer support from Canada and the UK.
Dumazedier Kabasele Foundation is WSO's first society member from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
From small beginnings NASAM is now a national provider of post-stroke rehabilitation.
The association hosts an online programme to explore issues affecting the whole family after a stroke.
Reaching, teaching and treating rural communities in India.
SSO (Malawi) delivers a win win approach to raise stroke awareness and funds in partnership with corporations.
Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.