Imaging selection for acute interventional stroke therapy
Join us for another FREE WSO webinar!
Join us for another FREE WSO webinar!
Invited speakers:
Professor Bruce Campbell (University of Melbourne, AUS)
Professor Mayank Goyal (University of Calgary, CA)
Moderators: Uta Hanning (GER) and Dar Dowlatshahi (CA)
Date: Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Time: 3 PM EST/ 8 PM UK/ 9 PM CET
The webinar is free! Join us and register for the event HERE
We invite you to follow us and our panelists on Twitter:
@WorldStrokeOrg , @WorldStrokeEd , @uta_hanning , @mayank_G0
Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.