In 2017, for the first time, stroke, became the second most common cause of both death and disability in the world. In New Zealand (NZ) the situation is even more dire as was previously shown through a series of population-based Auckland Regional Community Stroke Studies (ARCOS) population-based studies. The number of stroke survivors have tripled over the last three decades, and there are also significant ethnic disparities in stroke, with the risk of stroke in Māori and Pacific people two to three times greater than in NZ Europeans. In 2011-2012, the age-adjusted incidence of stroke in NZ was the fourth highest in high-income countries.
Carmen Lahiff-Jenkins Managing Editor of the International journal of Stroke spoke to Professor Valery Feigin from the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand he is also the submitting author for the article Measuring stroke and transient ischaemic attack burden in New Zealand: protocol for the fifth Auckland Regional Community Stroke Study (ARCOS V) now online in the International Journal of Stroke.
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Music is Kool Kats by Kevin McCloud
Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.