The Lancet Neurology has published a World Stroke Organization (WSO) Global Policy Committee and World Federation of Neurology joint statement, reiterating previous calls for a change in the approach to cardiovascular and stroke risk management.
The statement highlights that while the introduction of high-risk strategies into clinical practice was expected to accelerate a previously downward trend in stroke and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality rates, since the introduction of the high-risk strategies age standardised mortality rates associated with CVD and stroke have actually started to rise in most global regions, most notably in younger populations. The increase in prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and obesity was also observed in those aged 30-59.
The position of the World Stroke Organization and the World Federation of Neurology is that treatment thresholds for absolute risk should not be the main and only criteria for individual access to treatment for hypertension and lipid management. Individual absolute risk categorisation should be abandoned with the emphasis placed on motivational, lifestyle modification for those at any risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Read the full text of the statement.