We're excited to announce the first WSO Members Forum will take place on 5th November 1-3 PM CEST!
This virtual event will focus on collaboration and evidence-based advocacy and you will have the opportunity to hear experiences and insights from our members across the world.
Session 1: Advocacy Collaboration Café
Our members from across the world will join a panel discussion and share their experiences of collaborative stroke advocacy.
Session 2: Policy advocacy – evidence and impact
Our presenters will share insights about the use of evidence and making impact in policy advocacy.
Detailed agenda fill be available soon! Do not miss it and register today on the link >> https://fundraisingeverywhere.com/wsoforum
Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.