This year the World Stroke Congress will be virtual with a truly unique program bringing you the latest science, clinical trials and guidelines to stroke prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and support, from every part of the globe. You will have access to live sessions presenting the latest international updates and debates on different hot topics in the field, stroke dilemmas, joint sessions with other organisations, presentations from the RAISE meeting and a lot more!
With early registration rates available until 31 August 2021 and starting from €20, and WSC 2021 being held fully online, the World Stroke Congress is more accessible and affordable than ever before!
Join us online and make your contribution to the advancements in the field of stroke and cerebrovascular disease. The late-breaking abstract submission will be open until 17 August 2021.
Together we can build a world where people live free from the effects of stroke!
Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.