Maria Giulia Mosconi | World Stroke Organization
Maria Giulia Mosconi

Maria Giulia Mosconi

Medical Doctor Clinical Researcher

Member Bio

I was born in 1985 in a town in the centre of Italy. My life partner, Giorgio, and I happily live in Perugia with our two sons. I like yoga and trekking; I did a part of Santiago’s walk alone and hoped to finish it one day, maybe with my family. I love travelling, good food and wine, but why not also beer? I like rock and classical music and love ballet.

Training. I got my general degree in Medicine in 2012 after a 2-year internship in the Cardiovascular-Stroke Unit Department at the Hospital in Perugia. I presented my thesis on “Inferior vena cava filter in preventing pulmonary embolism in patients with acute stroke: indications and outcome.”. Between 2013 and 2018, I pursued my specialisation in Emergency Medicine. The 5-year course occurred mainly in the Cardiovascular-Stroke Unit Department of the Hospital in Perugia. In 2018 I presented the thesis for my specialization entitled “SMASH-U Classification in Acute Haemorrhagic Stroke Patients: A Rapid Tool for Etiological Diagnosis and Management” (DOI: 10.1007/s11739-020-02330-2).

Research areas. The main areas of my research work are centred on acute ischemic stroke treatment and secondary prophylaxis. I took part in several randomised controlled trials as a sub-investigator (RESPECT-ESUS, PACIFIC AF, PREVENTIHS), sub-investigator and Italian Trial Coordinator (PACIFIC STROKE, PRESTIGE AF), principal investigator of an RCTs (AXIOMATIC SSP); I also collaborated in several prospective international studies (RAF, RAF-NOAC, RENO, RENO extend). I have several publications on these topics.

Professional. In 2018 I was co-author and Editorial Coordinator of the Italian National Observatory on Stroke Report, which was presented in the Italian Parliament. The same year, I attended the SAFE Working Conference and General Assembly as the Italian delegate in November. During the post-specialization period, I was active in promoting stroke awareness. From December 2018 to March 2020, I worked in the Cardiovascular-Stroke Unit Department at the Hospital in Perugia, collaborating in activities as an expert in Emergency Medicine for the project proposed by the Internal, Vascular and Emergency Medicine-Stroke Unit: "Implementation of the number of patients with acute ischemic ictus treated with systemic thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy at the Stroke Unit of the Perugia Hospital". I then worked as an Internal-Emergency Medicine physician from March 2020 to September 2021 at the Hospital in Perugia in the Cardiovascular and Emergency Medicine-Stroke Unit for COVID-19 emergencies and stroke services, from the acute phase to discharge management. I accepted the role of Clinical researcher for Perugia University in September 2021 while maintaining total clinical activity in the Cardiovascular and Emergency Medicine-Stroke Unit. I am active in several medical and scientific societies (ESO, SIMEU, SIMI, SISET, ISA-AII) and their young sections.

Our partners and sponsors

Achieving our vision of a life free from stroke is a task that WSO cannot achieve alone. We are committed to building our partnerships at the global, regional and national level to scale up and deliver improvements in prevention, treatment and support to reduce the burden of stroke.

Medtronic Platinum Plus
Boehringer Ingelheim Platinum Plus
BMS Pfizer Gold
Allm Bronze